Ships in 3 business days
Free shipping on all orders
Hassle-free returns service
30 days easy returns
1-year warranty
The products can be delivered to the most of states in the United States except Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa, Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.
We also offer international shipping. For some countries and regions, we may charge a remote fee, which depends on the carrier's standards.
For US orders, we ship from our US warehouse or our factory in China, depending on stock availability. Please refer to the information provided on the product page for details.
For international orders, we will ship directly from our factory in China. All costs collected during the transportation are the sole responsibility of the customer.
The order will be processed and shipped within 1-3 working days. You will receive a confirmation email after the order is shipped.
For US orders, if shipped from a US warehouse, the shipping time will be 3-5 working days. For all other orders shipped from China, shipping time is 7-12 working days.
*If you need to make any changes to your order, please contact us before shipping.
*The recipient's assistance may be required during shipping for some orders. We will contact you as soon as possible after receiving the notification from the carrier, please pay attention to check our emails.
*After receiving the ready-to-delivery email, please keep your phone open. If delivery fails, you may need to contact your local post office for pickup. Of course, we will also email you the details after receiving the notification from the carrier.
*The return policy on this page applies to all items on If you have any questions, please contact
If you need to cancel your order, please contact
Order not shipped
There are no fees and you will receive a full refund.
The order has been shipped (subject to our system status, not the order status)
You need to bear the shipping cost. If the order cannot be intercepted, you need to send the package back in its original condition after receiving it. We will process the refund for you after receiving the package.
Step 1: Contact us via email with your return request.
Step 2: After receiving return authorization, please ship the package and contact us with the package tracking number.
Step 3: After receiving and inspecting the package, we will issue a refund within 3 working days.
Please note that return the product in the original packaging we provided and the product must be damage-free, as damage will void the refund.
Return Address: Floor 4nd East, Building 713, Pengji Industrial Zone, Shen Zhen, 518000 Guangdong, China