New Business Registration

To register a new business with the District of Columbia, you will need the following information to complete the tax registration form on the District's online tax portal,

Do you need to register your business and apply for a business license in the District of Columbia? Go to the DC Business Licensing Portal to get more information about corporate registration and business licensing requirements.

To make updates to an existing business account, please log into your account. For further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Center.

Image of is now live with 24/7 access. Visit the District’s new online tax portal to view and pay your taxes. For many tax types, you can even file.

Check Your Refund Status Online

Image to check your tax refund status

Check your refund status online. What you will need:

-Social security number
-Tax year
-Your exact refund amount

Visit the DC Business Licensing Portal

Visit the DC Business Licensing Portal

This portal walks you through a simple virtual checklist of all the licenses you need to start and maintain your business.